Nikon D40X Software Free Download

Nikon D40X Software Free Download-Accidentally my Nikon D40, merge, D40x and D60 because all three are almost similar and differences are minor. A list of questions and answers that I created is not a quote from a dialog or interviews, but only my bouquet only. The question I have to arrange can represent common questions felt by prospective buyers an economical DSLR (Nikon brand in particular), and I can't guarantee an answer I've made is 100% correct. For those who would like to ask a question that does not exist here, and for those who would like to set the record straight answer I made, as always please fill in the comments field at the bottom.

Nikon D40X Software Download

At a glance introduction, Nikon D40 is a DSLR camera from Nikon entry level class a 6 MP resolution, circa the end of the year 2006. This package is sold with a camera lens kit 18-55 mm which became very popular because of its small and the quality is good. With a price of under 5 million, the Nikon D40 has a lot of prosumer cameras that capture the market cost about the same, because it is able to offer one thing that cannot be given by prosumer: a good photo at high ISO. With the development trend of digital cameras, in 2007 the Nikon D40 's resolution raised to 10 MP D40x. and called in early 2008, Nikon launched Nikon D60 which is a minor update of the D40x, with the addition of the anti dust system and Active D-lighting, plus a new kit lens with the stabilizer. With the newer Nikon D60, D40x now have discontinuous, but Nikon D40 is still sold until now and still grabbing a lot of buyers.

Well, here's a summary q & a ' unilateral ' who managed my bunk:

General Questions

Q: the D40, D40x and D60 looks similar. What is the fundamental difference of the three?

A: the Nikon D40 6 MP resolution, while the D40x and D60 wear 10 MP resolution.

Q: then what other differences again?

A: the D40 had the basic ISO ISO 200, more on ISO 100. D40 can flash sync 1/500 seconds, others only 1/200 seconds. D40 can 2.5 fps, other slightly faster with 3 fps. D60 features anti dust on the sensor is available and features Active D-Lighting.

Q: Then what is the similarities of all three?

A: all three share the same design, the same sensor, shutter and the same performance specifications such as batteries, LCD screen and viewfinder of the same mirror.

Q: what are the sensors which are used by all three?

A: Sony CCD Sensor, APS-C type, size 24 x 16 mm, crop factor 1, 5 x (DX format).

Q: how reserved performance shutter all three?

A: all three are able to use up to speed 1/4000: still under the semi-Pro DSLR is generally able to achieve 1/8000 seconds. The age of the shutter, tested up to 50 thousand times just snap.

Q: What Features does not exist at all three?

A: the most important in my opinion is the bracketing features absent on all three. Another feature that does not exist is the live-view.

Q: what kind of third kit lens?

A: the third kit lens is the AF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 DX, specifically for the D60 has been equipped kitnya lens stabilizer system (VR).

Q: in addition to the kit lens, the lens what else usually need to posses?

A: Couples kit lenses which are used to photograph the distant (tele), the AF-S 55-200 mm VR version. There is worth 2.2 million and there is a non-VR for $1.7 million.

About Auto focus and metering

Q: is it true the trio had a problem reserved auto focus?

A: the problem is in the trio not available motor system to move the auto focus on the lens. So in order to auto focus lens, it is necessary that there is a built-in motor, such as the Nikkor AF-S, AF-I and Sigma HSM.

Q: does that mean besides the above lens can only manual focus?

A: Yes, it can only be manual focus only (such as lens Nikkor G or D). Even the lens-specific lens (lens), the metering functions cannot be used, the alias must pake manual mode (M).

Q: Sulitkah manual focus it?

A: depending on the lensanya. But in general all three possible indicators are expressed when the focus has been right, and these indicators are refined in D60.

Q: what sort of modules third AF?

A: all three wear Multi-CAM530 module with only three focus points. This module works based on the principle of phase-detect fast and accurate, but the three point AF complicate when photographing vertically.

Q: for the AF-assist light or flash light wear?

A: Available special light turns on when the light is less adequate, so that could help focus the camera system. This lamp also functions to the indicator when the self-timer.

Q: what about the selection of the point of AFnya?

A: there are three area AF mode option, Closest subject (default), Dynamic area and Single servo. The first mode will automatically detect nearby objects, the second mode will detect at the point where the object is located, and will detect movement of objects, the third mode is to select the AF point manually wear buttons left/right.

Q: what about the AF servo?

A: there are three options, AF-A, AF-S and AF-C. A for auto, S for single servo and continuous servo for C. At a time when wearing the AF-C, the camera will continuously seek the focus so that the servo is suitable for objects that are always switching positions.

Q: speaking of metering, such as what modules light-meter trio?

A: all three are wearing the metering module 420-segment RGB sensor that provides a selection of 3D matrix metering II, center-weighted and spot metering.

Q: does that mean this meter module similar to that used in the Nikon D80/D90?

A: Yes. For info, this module loses precision than in the D200/D300 using 1005-segment RGB sensor.

Q: Reportedly metering all three tend to under exposure?

A: Relative, depending of the situation pemotretatan. Sometimes if a fumble can also tend to be over. Offset only use Exposure compensation.

Q: does the histogram in playback mode?

A: there are, the luminance histogram. For RGB histogram should be through the retouch menu.

About ISO Auto

Q: do the dimaskud with ISO Auto? However the AUTO ISO with the option on the menu AUTO mode?

A: the Auto ISO is the modern features of the Nikon DSLR ascending lower ISO automatically, when necessary. In AUTO mode the menu there is an option to AUTO ISO, but this is different with ISO Auto. Auto ISO can be set on or through Custom Settings Menu. When the set is on, he will change the ISO value if necessary.

Q: How do I set Auto ISO?

A: the maximum ISO value determine how (can be up to 1600) and specify the shutter what is ISO Auto this should work (I usually wear 1/30 or 1/60).

Q: are the results of the photo at ISO 1600 still reliable?

A: Yes. The result ISO in the ISO 1600 still relatively free of noise and few experienced a decrease in dynamic range. Another case with ISO 3200 are almost useless because of severe noisenya.

Q: what is ISO Auto this is useful? This mode can be left always active at any time?

A: Yes, this is precisely the advantage of the latest Nikon DSLR. With ISO Auto, the camera will attempt to keep the right eksposure by raising the ISO value shutter-aperture that there have been unable to produce the right eksposure. This mode could be set always on, because when the light is sufficient, this feature will not change the existing ISO value.

Q: what is ISO Auto is also working on the Manual mode (M)?

A: Unfortunately Yes. So he can mess up the manual settings that we have set. For that when you wear a fashion ad, make sure you have turned off the auto ISO.

About JPEG and RAW file format

Q: how many choices of quality of JPEG compression on all three?

A: there are 3 options: Fine (best), Normal, Basic

Q: what is the size of a RAW file?

A: approximately 9 MB (compressed RAW)

Q: do all I can at once take the RAW files and JPEG?

A: Yes, but only RAW + JPEG Basic course.

Q: what is a JPEG setting options are available on all three?

A: the settings sharpness, tone compensation, color mode, saturation and white balance.

T: the color of the three Reportedly tends to saturation too?

A: Yes, because Nikon is targeting all three as the consumer level DSLR that tend to like the color nan bright. If you think the colour is too dominant, rubahlah through the saturation level in the direction of moderate.

Q: what is the difference of D-lighting on the D40/D40x with the D60?

A: on the D40/D40x, only D-passive lighting from the menu image retouch. Use to raise a eksposure in the dark parts of the image. On the D60 D-lighting can be set automatically or not. When the set is on, every photograph, the camera will automatically apply fixes eksposure.

About Flash and other accessories

Q: what is the Flash function TTLnya can be used on all three?

A: modern Nikon Speedlight such as SB-400, SB-600, SB-800 and SB-900.

Q: what about the old Nikon Flash or the Flash brand alternatives such as Nissin, Metz and so on?

A: the old Nikon Flash TTLnya functionality could not be used. Nikon States that Flash usage is not artificial Nikon will harm electronic rangakaian camera. Some forums stated flash alternatives are likely to be under and could not TTL.

Q: what about the wireless capabilities of the commander?

A: Unlike the D80/D90, the trio had no wireless flash commander built-in. For that reason, you should only install the SB-800 as commander.

Q: why does the D40 can sync to 1/500 seconds?

A: generally the DSLR shutter system is wearing mechanical shutter. On the D40, speeds up 1/90 shutternya switch wear electronic shutter (CCD gating) which is more simple. For risks, the results of the photo will be sensitive to the blooming time of photographing an object which is very light.

Q: can I set up power from the built-in flash?

A: Yes, by setting the flash compensation levels. When the manual flash mode, wear can also by specifying the flash output level.

Q: How did with battery grip/vertical grip?

A: The official Nikon does not exist, but the available battery grip brand alternatives.

Q: what type of Memory suitable for use?

A: the SD and SDHC, up to 4 GB. Try to buy a high speed (class 4 or class 6).

Q: Can the three of them made the camera Infra Red (IR)?

A: I do not know exactly, but according to some sources the three of them less suitable for IR cameras.

Q: what Accessories are used to remotely trigger?

A: Wireless (IR) remote trigger.

Q: what is a RAW file processing program is included in the CD is already sufficient?

A: no, because the only available setting the WB and Ev. For full control over the RAW file, use the Photoshop CS3 (with the latest plug-ins) or Nikon CaptureNX.

About choosing a Nikon or other brands

Q: what is the selling-point of the three?

A: the quality of the photos, high-performance, ergonomics, and the selling price (in particular the D40)

Q: who is the third nearest competitor?

A: the Pentax K100D D40 Competitor is Super, competitor D60 is a Canon EOS 1000 d, Sony A200, Olympus E420/E520 and Pentax K-m.

Q: what makes the trio is considered superior to competitors?

A: a reliable Metering, TTL flash, ISO Auto, easy menu, ergonomics and layout of the buttons are comfortable, high-quality Nikon Lens support, after-sales service in Indonesia is quite reliable.

Q: what makes the trio is considered lost to competitors?

A: the lens Compatibility can auto focus, just a three point AF, without the bracketing feature, there are no live-view and no accessory battery grip Nikon official.

Q: are konicadriver blog trying to poison me to buy Nikon D40/D60?

A: Ha ... ha ... ha ...

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