Spécification P3010DW
- Résolution d'impression effective 1200 x 1200 ppp
- Impression recto verso automatique
- Max. Format de papier A4
- Formats de support compatibles A4, Letter, Legal, Folio, A5, B5, A6, Executive
- Processeur 350 MHz
- Mémoire standard 256 Mo
- Compatibilité des systèmes d'exploitation Windows et Mac
- Etc
- Volume mensuel : 750 à 3500 pages
- Connectivité : USB 2.0 haut débit, 10/100/1000 BaseTX et Wifi 802.11b/g/n
- Cycle d'utilisation recommandé : 60.000 pages
- Toner à rendement standard : TL-410 ( 1500 pages )
- Toner à haut rendement : TL-410H ( 3000 pages ) : TL-410X ( 6000 pages )
- Tambours : DL-410 (12 000 pages)
- Durée de vie du tambour standard : 120 000 pages
- Vitesse d'impression : 30 ppm (A4) / 32 ppm (lettre)
Pantum P3010DW Driver Supported OS
Windows (Windows 10 32-bit (x86) | Windows 10 64-bit (x64) | Windows 8.1 32-bit (x86) | Windows 8.1 64-bit (x64) | Windows 8 32-bit (x86) | Windows 8 64 -bit (x64) | Windows 7 32-bit (x86) | Windows 7 64-bit (x64) | Windows Vista 32-bit (x86) | Windows Vista 64-bit (x64) | Windows XP)
Macintosh (Mac OS X 10.12 | Mac OS X 10.11 | Mac OS X 10.10 | Mac OS X 10.9 | Mac OS X 10.8 | Mac OS X 10.7 | Mac OS X 10.6
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 (32/64bit) -Pantum P3010-P3060 Series Windows Driver_ERP V1.6.24 | |
Mac - Pantum P3010-P3060-P3300-P3370-L2300-L2350-M15-M118 Series Mac Driver V1.1.15_codesign | |
Pantum Ubuntu Driver V1.1.5.tar | Download |
Driver file Android APP | |
Installation Driver for Pantum P3010DW
How to install Pantum P3010DW Printer driver on a Windows
- You can connect your Pantum P3010DW printer to a Windows PC and make sure the printer is turned on in the State. If your printer includes a wireless printer, turn on the Pantum P3010DW printer and select one of the available connection methods. If the automatic connection method (auto connect) is available, select that method.
- Download the latest drivers for Pantum P3010DW . you have to install on your Windows PC, after a successfully installed driver, reboot Your Windows.
- Open the Settings by clicking Settings icon on the Start menu or by pressing the Windows key + I simultaneously. The Settings window opens, click the Devices icon.
- Click Printers & scanners. If the Printer driver in step 2 is already successfully installed, then the printer should you have entered into the list of Printers & Scanners.
- If the Pantum P3010DW already appears on the list, click the printer and then click Set as default to make the printer being printers used.
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